Southeastern Idaho's Premier Children's Choir.
Quality after-school music education for boys and girls ages 4-16


Tuition payments are a one-time payment for the entire year (Sept.-May) but payment plans may be set up at registration or any other time with the IFYAC Choir Program Coordinator. There will be 26 weeks of class. In order to participate in the choir, you must have a current membership through IFYAC. Membership dues are $10 per person or $25 per family and last 12 months. Forms for IFYAC memberships are found at the bottom of the registration form.

First Voices Choir: $110 ($4.23 per 45 min. lesson)
Prelude Choir: $125 ($4.80 per 1 hour lesson
Lyric Choir: $160
($6.15 per 1 hour 30 min. lesson)

Family discounts:
You will receive $20 off each additional child's tuition

Limited scholarships are available. You may fill out and send in an application found on the website.